Monday, October 1, 2012

Marc Faber warns not to store gold in the USA

The third round of quantitative easing will give the Fed the opportunity to buy 40 bn dollars worth of bond every month in the future.

November is the month which marks the Hindu festival of lights and both investors and jewelers have scaled up purchases before the prices of precious metals rises any further.

The one of the very few analysts who has succeeded in predicting the current crisis – Marc Faber, however, remains bearish on gold. Faber warns how important it is to store gold but not to store in the US Federal Reserve. He has also said that Ben Bernarke is just a money printer and everything he does will lead to massive inflation and leading to Dow Jones at 20k, 50k or 10m.

As a whole, Marc Faber predicted that the Federal Reserve’s policy will destroy the world and everything will collapse.

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